Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Top picks: Week 14

It's time for top picks. This week, I decided to focus on one of my loves, Etsy. For those of you who haven't heard of this site, it is basically a handmade and vintage goods website full of individual shops. I have two shops on there (one since 2008!) and it's great looking at talented people's work from around the world.


I love this dress from The Arbor Vitae. It looks like it would look amazing when worn. This is actually photographed with petticoats (not included) so you definitely could get some serious twirling action in it. They haven't put the measurements up yet so I don't even know if it would fit but it's quite away out of my price range anyway. Birthday present perhaps (hint hint, lol).

Even though I don't really wear brooches, I would have to make an exception for this little pretty. The colours on this vintage umbrella brooch are so kitsch. It's right up my street. And at $10, it's about £6.40. And how awesome are these tea-cup hair grips from Le Chou Chou? There's not much in this shop but it's all pretty! 

You could literally spend hours on Etsy, there are thousands and thousands of things to admire and buy. 

Have you seen anything nice in the shops recently?



  1. Etsy is a dangerous place to browse! So, so tempting! I love all your picks - see! Dangerous!! Haha

    Eilidh xo

  2. I agree - dangerous is the word :) x
