Sunday, 24 June 2012

My week: 25

I'll admit it. As I'm writing this, I'm sitting and watching the England vs Italy match. Yes, I'm into football at times. I'm just amazed that England are still in. Anyway, my week in photos.

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*The awesome banana shoe on my desk calendar. 
*Crazy Rose
*Ginger cat paying us a little visit
*Crazy Axl - don't you just love it when you chuck a load of stuff on your bed and the cat comes and sits on it? He looked so hilarious I couldn't resist!
*Chris Hoy!
*A sneak peek of a new print I'm working on
*Deansgate before the torch came
*Random boy with torch - You go random boy! You could tell he was really happy. This was on Fountain Street.

Once again, I didn't take a lot of photos, but I do have two hauls to show you some time next week. I stopped by Primark on Saturday while running errands in town and I went to a car boot this morning. 

So Saturday after running errands, I went round to the bfs to hang out. We got a text from one of our friends saying that he was going to see the Olympic torch in town. So off we all went. I had actually completely forgotten that it was going to be in Manchester yesterday but I'm really glad that we went. 

We started on Deansgate which was great because Chris Hoy was carrying the torch! I don't have a photo of that because I knew I wouldn't get a good shot with my phone so I just filmed the entire thing. It's about 10 minutes long! When it had gone past, we walked to Fountain Street to see it pass again and this time it was random local boy (his full name) carrying it. I really liked seeing both sides of it - a celebrity and a local. The atmosphere was amazing and I can't believe I almost missed it. 

This morning, me and the bf went to a car boot (an indoor one of course!). I have to say I've been having a dry spell with jewellery buying for my vintage shop but this was a very successful day. I will show you my haul from that (and from Primark) soon. 

This week coming up is going to be epic as it's my birthday on Tuesday and I got the day off to go to the Harry Potter studios. Excite! I'm so glad I'm doing this as I'm a massive HP fan and I usually have a BBQ on my birthday (just look outside people - I don't think it's ever rained on my birthday before). Then at the weekend, I'm moving into my new house. Good times ahead whatever the weather. 

How was your week?

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