So today is the day. Moving day. I can't believe I've lived in this house for almost 3 years. That is something of a record for me. Apart from 2 family homes in Nottinghamshire, this is the longest I've lived in one house. That will make it number 3 out of 20. Yes that's right, I've lived in 20 houses in 24 years.
Source unknown - please let me know if this is your photo
It's the end of an era. Goodbye teeny room (especially with all my stuff in it!). It is a bit sad and I will miss my friends and the cats but it's time to move on. I'm going to be living with my bf of 3 years for the first time, along with his current housemate and our equally nerdy friend Claire and her little brother Ant. This is going to be the nerdiest house ever and I can't wait.
Me "Ooh I'll get to put up my world map and my Marauders Map!
Bf: "I can put up my Middle Earth maps"
As well as living with some awesome people, I get to live in an awesome house. It's like a tardis - it just keeps going back. I love it. Plus, me and the bf's room is MASSIVE and we'll have a bed that you can get in on both sides! (it's the little things).
So the main reason for this post is to say I'm still here, I just won't be posting as much over the next week as we won't have internet. Plus I'll be busy doing my favourite part of moving: Finding places for all of my stuff.
Ta-ta for now, I'll be back (don't make me do the Arnie voice)
P.S I am amazed that all my shoes fit in one box....well, all the shoes I keep in this house anyway, ha ha.