Thursday, 18 September 2014

Top picks #9


Perfect to wear with a midi skirt and blouse for office chic. Not that we dress up too much in my office but I would be willing for these.
This would look pretty cool worn peeking out of a shirt collar.
Not sure if I would pay £40 for a top but I do like the dark print.
These have a gothic charm to them which I love - very glam!
I'm not even entirely sure if this print would suit me but I just adore it. Can I hang it on my wall?

Ok, it’s official. I’m in love with a pair of flats. These robot shoes are adorable and a nice change from the cat ones I keep seeing around – though I do love cats!
Unfortunately this awesome case is out of stock at the moment – fingers crossed they put it back in soon!
I put something similar to this on my list every year but never buy. This year I will dammit.
Simple and cute. 

This dress puts me right back in a summer mood. It makes me want to throw on a pair of cowboy boots with it and go for a road trip across the USA. 

What's caught your eye on the high street this week?


  1. I've been drooling over that Yumi dress too. I wish I had a reason to buy it. I also love that striped jumper. x

    1. I've just thought of a reason to buy it! I have a Christening to go to. Cries at the price tag though, ha ha. :) x
