Monday, 29 September 2014

Life right now


I'm tired. Like seriously tired. I now have permanent bags under my eyes. I think I'm close to breaking point. One of these days I won't get out of bed to go to work. I'll just stay in and try to forget that I don't get paid sick days.

But today is not that day. I'll keep trudging on. I'll keep travelling four hours a day for a company that don't give a damn about their employees. For a company that gives the minimum pay, holidays and expect the world for nothing in return. The worst thing is, the final nail in the coffin; paying over half your wages just to get to said job.

I'm tired of walking around like a zombie during the week and wasting my weekends away sleeping. It feels like this past year of my life has passed by so quickly and I haven't done much with it. I just want to go home. I finally know where home is and it's not here.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Classic Car Boot Sale London

It's been awhile since I've attended a vintage fair - far too long in my books. I've been pretty unlucky that I've missed the last couple of Classic Car Boot sales in London due to other plans so I'd been waiting for months for last weekends event to come around.

After assuring Topher that it isn't really a car boot sale (there probably wouldn't be a fantasy book in sight), he reluctantly agreed to go with me. Mainly on the promise of good food!











Our bellies grumbling we headed to the food trucks. It was a difficult decision but we decided on Taco Truck which definitely didn't leave us disappointed. 







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What a great day! Have you been to a vintage fair recently?

Tuesday, 23 September 2014



It's been many years since I've visited the great British seaside and Falmouth did not disappoint. It was stop two on the grandparent visiting trip where I spent my time meeting (and re-meeting) pretty much all of Topher's family. 

Emma found this B&B for us to stay in and it was awesome. I wish I'd taken more photos of it inside but I definitely recommend it. Very clean and modern and their breakfast is delicious! 


They even had a resident cat who we affectionately named Tripod as he or she only had three legs. Still they were such a playful and friendly little thing. This only cemented my need for cats of my own. Soon!


Our first afternoon in Falmouth was spent wandering the main street of Falmouth; Emma and I looking in all the pretty shops and Topher and Luther perusing the book shops before giving up on us girls and heading to Cafe Nero. 






This shop was like stepping into tv's Hoarders. If you have the patience, it's worth a look for a vintage gem. 



After visiting every pretty shop (there were a lot) we found the boys having a little date...with their DS's. 



Then it was off to visit the grandparents and indulge in my first ever proper cornish pasty!


Have you ever been to Cornwall?

Friday, 19 September 2014

Dollys Tea Room & Wine Bar - Falmouth


Since we arrived in Falmouth I had been craving a cream tea. When Emma and I were perusing the high street we spotted this gem called Dolly's Tea Room and Wine Bar and vowed to return during our stay. Sure enough, Topher booked the four of us a table for Saturday and I was giddy with excitement. Yes I get that excited about scones. 






I adore the decor of this place! The upstairs room is bright and airy with high ceiling and the whole place has a great vintage vibe. 




Spoiled for choice I decided to treat myself (after all, I was on holiday) and went with the luxury English tea. This included a pot of tea, a scone with jam and clotted cream, smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwiches and a slice of cake. This was all for the sum of £14 which I don't think is bad at all considering the amount of food you were getting. I was completely stuffed afterwards. If you just fancy a scone with jam and clotted cream and some tea, it's only £4. Now that is a bargain.  





When it came to the slice of cake, you had a choice and I decided to go out of my comfort zone and try the lavender and treacle tart. Unusual but delicious!


We all had a lovely time and I would definitely recommend Dollys if you're ever in Falmouth. I only regret that we didn't have enough time to come back in the evening when it turns into a wine bar. Maybe next time!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Top picks #9


Perfect to wear with a midi skirt and blouse for office chic. Not that we dress up too much in my office but I would be willing for these.
This would look pretty cool worn peeking out of a shirt collar.
Not sure if I would pay £40 for a top but I do like the dark print.
These have a gothic charm to them which I love - very glam!
I'm not even entirely sure if this print would suit me but I just adore it. Can I hang it on my wall?

Ok, it’s official. I’m in love with a pair of flats. These robot shoes are adorable and a nice change from the cat ones I keep seeing around – though I do love cats!
Unfortunately this awesome case is out of stock at the moment – fingers crossed they put it back in soon!
I put something similar to this on my list every year but never buy. This year I will dammit.
Simple and cute. 

This dress puts me right back in a summer mood. It makes me want to throw on a pair of cowboy boots with it and go for a road trip across the USA. 

What's caught your eye on the high street this week?