(We are such nerds! - Love it)
I think what I'm most excited about in terms of the furniture is our sofa. It's my parents old one and is so damn comfy! I don't know what it is about sofas in rental homes - they've all been terrible where I've lived.
Before getting to my favourite part of moving - unpacking and finding a place for everything, we firstly need to pack everything up. This is a massive job that we only have two days left to finish. Fingers crossed it all goes well.
We moved in a few boxes today but thats barely made a dent in the bf's book & dvd collection. We're going to need a library one day. I can't complain really, my clothing collection is still at large after taking two big bags of it today. So a walk in wardrobe as well will be needed.
I'm looking forward to having everything in it's place and just settling in. No more river dancers upstairs, noisy surroundings and leaky shower (this is just scratching the surface of my hatred for this current flat). Goodbye Wembley!
What's your idea of Home Sweet Home?
Home to me is a feeling. It's friends, family, happy moments and memories. Have fun on your exciting new adventure.
Mel's Corner
What a great way to look at it! And thanks! :) x