Sunday, 18 March 2012

My week 11

I'm back, it's been a fun weekend. Did something a little different for Claire's birthday. Me, her and the bf took a road trip to Barnsley (exotic yeah?) for something called Scary Tales in a town nearby. It was like a haunted house type thing where you walk through different themed rooms with actors there to scare you. I have to say I was really impressed with it, and it was a right laugh (and scream!). It was nice to do something different for the weekend. Anyway, here is what I got up to in photos:

myweek copy 2

*Went to town on Saturday with the bf to get costumes for sports relief and may have bought a star trek mug. I'm such a nerd but I love it!*

*Closeup of a jumper I wore to work*

*Went to a cafe in the Northern Quarter and had BBQ chicken pancakes and a ginger and lemon ice tea. Yum!*

*Paid my first visit to Hey Little Cupcake in Manchester to pick up Claire a cupcake for her birthday. And me and the bf might have got one each as well!*

*I hand made a card for Claire with a little doodle of a cupcake with legs - the idea just popped into my head.*

*The outside of the theatre that Scary Tales was in. Didn't get any pictures inside for obvious reasons - was too busy screaming and being followed by a possessed gingerbread man among other things!*

*Another Flux card game - this time the Monty Python version. We played this in the hotel room accompanied by alcohol and a chinese takeaway - We are a classy bunch.*

It was all about the weekend this week. And I have officially set up a webpage for me and the bf's sports relief run. We are going as Gromit (as in Wallace and Gromit) and Garfield. He's Gromit and I'm Garfield. I saw a Sylvester costume but no Tweety which was a shame as the bf actually said he would have been Tweety. Anyway, check out our page here. How do you like our team photo?


In other news, I'm going to the Manchester Fashion Networks Fiona McIntosh (the founding editor of Grazia Magazine) talk tomorrow. I'm quite excited as I'm really interested in what she has to say, but I'm also quite nervous as I'm going by myself. The fun of not knowing any fashion people, but I'm really proud of myself for having the courage to go alone as there is no way that I would have been able to a year or two ago.  Woop!

How was your week?


  1. Those cupcakes look amazing! :) x

  2. They tasted amazing too :) Thanks for the comment! xx
