Sunday, 31 August 2014

Instagram Challenge: September

26 instagram challenge

On my other blog Twenty Six Photography, I have decided to make an Instagram challenge of all of September. If you want to join in, just use #26instachallenge. It's going to be lots of fun so hope to see you there!

Have you ever taken part in an Instagram challenge?

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Liebster Award

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by the awesome Georgina from Caramel Latte Kiss.

The Rules Are:

1. Post 11 facts about you.
2. Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers. I’ve gone by followers on BlogLovin’
3. Link your nominees to this post.
4. Create 11 questions for your nominees.
5. Let your nominees know that they have been tagged.

11 Facts about me
  1. I’m addicted to writing lists. So this post has been pretty damn fun to do!
  2. I’ve lived in 23 homes in 26 years.
  3. I have a massive weakness for baked goods. Keep me out of the bakery aisle in Asda!
  4. Board games are my idea of a good time.
  5. Not a big drinker of alcohol, I enjoy drinking but don’t do so very often and going out and getting pissed every weekend doesn’t appeal to me. Apparently that’s not normal. I’m fine with that.
  6. I adore the cinema but never get to go too often. One day I’ll have one of those monthly passes.
  7. Disney World is my chosen place of worship.
  8. If I could steal any celebrity’s wardrobe it would be Zooey Deschanel’s.
  9. Apparently I get bored if I don’t have a million projects on the go at once. There just aren’t enough hours in the day!
  10. I seriously need some cats in my life. Next year will be the year.
  11. One of my dream holidays is to take a month out and drive across the USA.
Georgina's Questions

1. What made you start blogging?
I was in an immensely boring job and I needed a creative outlet. Simples.
2. Tea or coffee?
Both – depends on my mood.
3. Who’s your hero?
I have many heros in many different forms.
4. What’s your signature dish?
Kedgeree – so tasty!
5. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I’ve wanted to visit Japan for years and years. One day.
6. What are your favourite blog posts to write?
I love writing about days out and picking out the photos
7. What are your favourite blog posts to read?
Again, depends what mood I’m in. I’m quite a visual person anyway so anything with pretty pictures is a winner with me.
8. Are you ‘out’ as a blogger in your ‘real life’?
Not to everyone I know, just close friends. People generally don’t really get the whole concept I’ve found.
9. Do you know any bloggers in real life?
I’ve met a few at Blognix and an event or two. Lovely people.
10. What blogger haven’t you met that you’d like to?
Probably Kat fromRock n Roll Bride – that’s one cool lady!
11. Who’s your favourite blogger and why?
Kate Gabrielle from Scathingly Brilliant. I love her fun outfits, adorable cats and her pastel life. 

My Questions

  1. What’s number 1 on your bucket list?
  2. Why did you start blogging?
  3. What’s the most beautiful location you’ve ever found yourself in?
  4. Who dropped the screw in the tuna? If you can’t answer this then you’re not around my age, ha ha.
  5. What is your perfect snack?
  6. Sweet or savory?
  7. What is your dream job?
  8. Celebrity crush?
  9. Vintage or new clothes?
  10. What is your favourite book?
  11. Have you been to any blogger events?


Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Back from the West Country


For the past 10 days I've been off galavanting in a location quite unknown to me. The UK! I think the last time I had a proper "staycation" in our beautiful country was when I was a very tiny person. So this was brand new territory to me. Topher, his sister Emma, her boyfriend Luther and myself journeyed down to Devon and Cornwall to visit both sets of their grandparents. The weather wasn't always on our side but we had a brilliant time and I can now say I have driven for 9 hours in one day. I think my previous record was 2 or 3. That escalated quickly. 

So over the next week or two I will have to bombard you with holiday photos I'm afraid. I will sandwich in other posts so it's not too repetitive though. 

That's all for now, just a short one to get me back in the swing of things. I'm also pleased that my scheduled posts actually posted while I was away so that's pretty nice. 

What's your favourite "staycation" destination?

Monday, 25 August 2014

Vintage Postcard


Topher has a habit of picking up more books then he can carry when we visit a car boot. A few months ago he bought this book and it was only the other day when he picked it up to read that he discovered the postcard that was inside.

IMG_4664 - Version 2

It was written and posted  in 1975. The book itself was also published in 1975 which is pretty cool. The postcard is detailing a mum and dads holiday to Sandown. It's pretty cute.

 Don't you wish stamps could be that cheap again?


Have you ever discovered anything lost for decades?

Friday, 22 August 2014

7 days of...prints


Prints I have worn in the last seven days. It's funny when the weather starts to turn cold. I don't know what to wear for that awkward in between phase. Too cold for bare legs but not cold enough for tights. All I know for sure is that I need some more colour in my wardrobe.

What's your go to outfit for that seasonal limbo?

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Is it just me? The festival edition

kornhaber_coachella double dates reuters full

Is it just me? I don't do festivals. It's just not my thing. I don't consider myself a big enough music fan to spend money that could otherwise go on a holiday. Even just for the experience. Just because every one else is doing it, why should I?

I'm no diva - I don't consider myself high maintenance at all but I really don't fancy roughing it. I did plenty of camping as a child and a teen and feel like I got my fill. I don't fancy it now - I like having my creature comforts thank you very much.

As for the festival fashion, there is a reasonable portion which is pretty cool but I do find myself rolling my eyes at the short shorts that show off your bum cheeks. 


And those flower bands worn around your head so your hair sticks up weird. Not to mention the orange people (oh the orange people). I sound like a proper grandma don't I?


I guess it reminds me of those cheap package holidays to islands full of people looking to spend their time drinking and hooking up. That's the kind of holiday people my age (not all, just a proportion) like to go on. 


And of course there is the inevitable British weather. Yeah not my idea of fun. 


I know festivals aren't all the same, there are some pretty good ones out there but I'm just not a fan. Everyone has their own tastes. You can keep your festivals, I'd rather go to Disney World like the grown up I am. 

How about you? Are you a festival person?

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

He Watch She Watch Episode 5: Pan's Holiday

The next instalment in our podcast series is available. As Topher and I are away in the land of cream teas and pasty's for the time being this is all you're getting on the He Watch She Watch front for a couple of weeks. Enjoy!

Friday, 15 August 2014

Twenty-Six Photography


Though I don't tend to shout about it or show it too much on this blog, photography is a huge passion of mine. A passion I want to make more time for in my life. Though I love this blog, I don't feel like I give myself enough opportunities to show this side of myself. So I decided a few months ago that I would set up a new blog.

Twenty-six Photography was named for myself. It's my birthday, my favourite number and happens to be the house number my grandma has lived at for the past 50 or so years. It will be the place where I can purely showcase my photography on all the subjects I'm interested in. Travel, food, people and life. 


When choosing a platform, I wanted to go in a completely different direction to Nomad Seeks Home so I chose Wordpress. It was quite a challenge to get my head around (and still is) but I persevered and ended up with the site that you see today. I'm proud to say I did everything. I tweaked the html which is a skill I did not have prior to this adventure and I came out the other side to finally launch at the beginning of this month. 

Come take a look and let me know what you think! Any criticism is appreciated. 

Monday, 11 August 2014

5 steps to well being #worklifebupa

Last week I was invited by DigitasLBi to attend the #worklifebupa event to learn about achieving a good work life balance. I figured since I spend a lot of time juggling work, commuting, my two blogs (yes, there's two now - more on that soon!), as well as making time for friends, family and just relaxing, it would be a good learning experience. That and they said there would be food. 

It was at the DigitasLBi which is just off Brick Lane in London and there was networking with other bloggers, drop in SEO sessions with the experts, as well as talks by people from Bupa, Mindapples & A Lady in London.

 The main aspect of the evening that stuck out for me was during the talks when Amanda from Mindapples discussed the 5 steps to well being.

The mindapples tree

The idea was to write down your 5 a day things that make you happier

1. Connect
2. Be active
3. Take notice 
4. Keep learning
5. Give

To be interpreted how you wish. It makes sense - things like take notice is a big one to me. Everyday you see so many people not looking up from their chosen electronic device when they're out and about. It's a bit sad, but we're all guilty of it. I read blogs on the train to and from work but recently I make sure to look out the window as well so I'm not just staring at a screen the whole day. The scenery is so beautiful!

I also enjoyed the other two talks. Julie from Lady in London was a very interesting woman who informed us that sometimes you have to say no when it comes to work. I certainly wouldn't mind doing that! Her lifestyle sounded amazing but terribly tiering as well so it's even more important to get that work/life balance. 

And Stuart from Bupa made me realise how different Britain is from the rest of Europe in terms of our working day. There are other ways then 9-5. I really agree that a long working day isn't always the most productive. He also put into perspective that every week is 168 hours long. Weird to think of it that way, right? That makes me want to choose more wisely in future. 


After the talks I had a wander and tried out some of the delicious food and drink that was on offer. 

I had a smoothie from Speakeasy which frankly was delicious! It was called the wake-up (which I needed after being up since 5.30am) and had coffee, frozen yoghurt, almond milk, flaxseed and cinnamon in it. I seriously need another one of those. 


My eyes lit up when these Portuguese tarts were placed on the table. I had to swipe an extra on the way out - and that was me restraining myself!


Not sure why DigitasLBi have a badger in their offices but I dig it. 

Overall, it was a very informative evening and I met some lovely people too. I wish I could have stayed longer to chat but I had to run to catch my train home. Thanks DigitasLBi, Bupa and the other speakers for a great evening!

Friday, 8 August 2014

365 July Edition


1st: Silly selfie, 2nd: Topher tried making ice cubes with grapes, 3rd: Grey, 4th: Pretty flower

5th: New bedding, 6th: Sunday dinner at the parents in my new dress, 7th: Stupid face to send to Topher, 8th: Cheeky wine after work with the girls, 

9th: Colourful pasta, 10th: Important lists to be made, 11th: Flower necklace, 12th: Lunch out with the family, 

13th: car boot find, 14th: Nail polish and the heart dress again, 15th: Reading blogs on the train, 16th: Fun with fruit, 

17th: He Watch, She Watch, 18th: 29 degrees Celsius in the office!, 19th: Pret a manger dinner, 20th: Bit of Queen to get me through, 

21st: Got my 2 and a half stone award at Slimming World, 22nd: Train views 1, 23rd: Train views 2, 24th: Leon hot box. Falafel is always a good idea, 

25th: crowded train. They all joined me on the floor eventually, 26th: Another silly selfie, 27th: My new coasters from Rachel, 28th: A train that's actually spacious!, 

29th: European biscuits - why mostly made of air?, 30th: Photo for my new blog, 31st: Logo for my new blog - more to come soon about that!

Are you taking part in the 365 project?

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

He Watch She Watch Episode 4: Naughty Napoleon

And the arguing begins! Never thought it would be over a film like Sin City but there we go. This was a good week as Topher finally saw Napoleon Dynamite which he has always refused to watch the entire 5 years we've been together. Score! Take a listen to find out if he liked it:

Let me know what you think! :)

Monday, 4 August 2014

Top picks #8

top picks

Quite a few things from Modcloth this time but I think they all warrant a mention. I can't decide what I'm more in love with. The hexagon map necklace or the cat bag. I'm always a fan of a map print and this necklace just fulfils my summer necklace needs, if such a thing exists. And anything with cats is a winner with me. It's cute and subtle which I like - not so in your face. 

The yellow dress fits quite nicely into my USA road trip fantasy where I'm taking photos in the dessert of cacti. I do realise that this wouldn't be the most practical of outfits but let me dream - maybe I can wear it at some kitsch road side attraction...or at Disney World, it fits in with both scenarios. 

These watermelon earrings from Onetenzeroseven just scream summer. Really craving some watermelon right now. Sophie, who runs the shop is a fellow blogger and has an amazing range of jewellery that you should seriously check out.  Plus my stationary senses are buzzing - she's just unveiled a new collection!

Now I know it's not quite autumn yet but these wedges seriously need to get in my wardrobe. Have you noticed the autumn clothing starting to come through yet? I've noticed. It's sneaking in bit by bit and before you know it, you'll be wrapped up in your winter coat again. Scary stuff. Another autumn piece which I will probably have to catch in the sale is this amazing jumper from Sugarhill Boutique. I love a cloud print and this whimsical number is something I just adore. Someone buy me it!

What's on your wish list?