Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Well that was interesting...

It has been just a little over a week but my oh my how things have changed. Where to begin? Well, right now I'm sitting in a Travelodge in London. And I'm not here to visit. I live in London now. 


As you may know, I went to London  a couple of weeks ago for a day trip. The reason for this was that I had a job interview. Which last Tuesday I found out that I got! Yay! And it started on the following Monday....wow!

So since then, I packed up, chucked everything including Woy (my car) into my parents garage and set off for the capital. Yes that's right, I've moved in less than a week to a city where I have nowhere to live and I know no one! Scaaary.

I started work yesterday and have found somewhere to move to in a couple of weeks. Plus, the bf will be joining me when our flat becomes available. So for now, I'm alone in a Travelodge, ha ha. Not bad at all really, just finding things for my tea is a challenge. What can you do with a kettle? I currently have a bag of noodle pots. Those may get old quick. Any other ideas?

Plus, I just realised I'm here alone at the weekend. Londoners: where's decent to go in the city? I might have a wander. 

Hope everyone's enjoying the lovely weather! Ignoring the spots of rain of course :)

Monday, 22 July 2013

Outfit Post: Graduation Day

Not mine, but finally my boyfriends. 4 years of being together and it's taken him 5 years to get through uni. He got a 2:1 and I am so proud of him. 

Since it was ridiculously hot that day I had to wear something smart but weather appropriate. 

Butterfly statement necklace - Primark, Dress - Forever 21

My new earrings from Ruby Robin Boutique. Those are dandelion seeds inside!

Wedges - New Look

And of course I had to paint my nails for the occasion.



Models Own Snow White and Models Own Black nail art pen

Suit: F+F


It's rare to see him this smart, ha ha.

It was a brilliant day!

Of course we need our traditional "mong shot"

Enjoy the weather people, I hear it's going to rain soon!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Friday Funny: I need a cat

Like now.





Introducing the best and funniest cat ever:

It's Princess Monster Truck!

And here's one for the dog people:


What's made you laugh this week?

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Old Spitalfields Market & Brick Lane: London PART 2

Another London ambition fulfilled! The next stop on my London day trip was Old Spitalfields Market. I will admit, this was the first time in the day where I got a little lost. I don't think I've ever walked up and down the same street three or four times in quick succession while holding my iPhone with Google maps open. I found it eventually though.






Then off to Brick Lane!








I'll definitely be going back one day. 

Next up, the final part of my London day trip which was Covent Garden and Neal's Yard.

What's your favourite place in London or if you've never been, where would you most like to visit?

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Top picks: Week 42

top picks

I'm especially lusting after these popcorn pyjamas and Coast dress which is currently in the sale. I have a wedding to go to next month which I've just purchased a dress from ASOS for. So this dress is definitely the back up if that one doesn't fit! 

What's caught your eye this week?